Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Writing: the Blathering

Okay, this comes across as way bitter, and I'm really not. I just found the concept amusing and went with it, hopefully you can get a laugh out of it. Or at least a wry grin.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

On Sending a Love Poem

So that poem I said I wrote a poem about, a couple posts back. Well here is the meta poem...

Grains of Paradise

Medieval spice traders sold a variety of peppercorn called Grains of Paradise when they couldn't get their hands on black pepper. They claimed that it was taken from the stream that flows out of the garden of Eden as a way of inflating the price.
They are still available through specialty spice traders and they have a lovely, complex, rich flavor.

Accidental Sonnets

I actually wrote a sonnet entirely on accident the other day, and it was halfway decent but it was for two very specific people, so I won't post it here.

Grease Burns and Coffee Stains

Flash fiction and poetry, what is this, 2009? Hopefully I'm better now than I was then.

How I Will

Hmmm... I guess I'm in a mood tonight

Monday, December 12, 2011

Swirled Rooster

I haven't posted here in months! YEAH! Thaaatttt's terrible, I've been doing a lot of book arts stuff (ohlookafacebookgroupderp) for Paper Tapir. And ohmygod the Fruit of the Loom guys are riding ponies and pretending to be crazy medieval dudes---but I digress. Recently been doing a bunch of free hand inking. Here's the rooster from a couple days ago. Colors dropped in Photoshop. Yerp.

Friday, December 2, 2011

The Hunt

I cranked this out after class let out early, it doesn't make much sense, may work as a mood piece, but I really enjoyed writing it, a nice change of pace from my second novel and the play that I'm working on...