Thursday, January 20, 2011

Salvador Cullen...?

so I was watching this movie called, "Little Ashes" which is basically about Salvador Dali (starring one Robert Pattinson) and I am only halfway through but it is very full of boylove, and I am A-OK with that

Unfinished page and character sketch

Page 2 of comic, unfinished.

Drawing of a character:

Only a Sailors Tale

I started this a couple days ago way to late at night, I just finished it knowing that I had written the first half of another story at work this afternoon and that if I ever accumulate to much of a backlog of unfinished work I freeze creatively and it's terribly frustrating. Anyway, without further ado;

Only a Sailors Tale

We are told, we sailors, that death by drowning is as peaceful a one as man could wish for. After the time I spent in the South China Seas in 1904 I don't believe a word of it.