Sunday, March 20, 2011


I'm doing resume-y things, so all I have to show atm is demo reels. Here's my general one. Whatcha think?

Generalist Demo Reel from Katrin Haerterich on Vimeo.

This one is more of an FX, and less of a modeling one.

FX demo reel from Katrin Haerterich on Vimeo.

A modeling reel too.

Modeling Reel from Katrin Haerterich on Vimeo.

Rat/Preying Mantis thing

I've been in a bad mmod and watching the syfy channel lately, so here's a a rat/preying mantis thing. :-)

I don't really like the head. I think I might change it to something more insect-like. Here's part of the under-drawing I did.